The power of eye contact

What is eye contact?

Several popular definitions are:
1. Eye contact is one of the most important non-verbal channels you have for communicating and connecting with others.
2. Defined as a meeting of the eyes between two people expresses a significant non-verbal communication.
3. Contact that occurs when two people look directly at each other or when two people or animals look into each other’s eyes at the same time.
4. It is the condition or action of looking into the eyes of another human being or animal.

Cute Eva Diamond:
“The cheapest and most effective way to connect with people is to look them in the eye.”

What does?

Contact can trigger:
Cheer up

The visual encounter is two souls that touch each other. Imagine, all the power that your eyes have.

Of all the ways we communicate, eye contact is perhaps the most powerful. The first step in establishing communication is eye contact.

Communication with pets and animals is through visual contact, and depending on the animal, contact is maintained or avoided.

Have you ever looked at a horse and knew that your souls had communicated?

Have you ever looked at your dog and known that the two of you were connected on a spiritual level?

My best friend and I can communicate a lot with just a look.

So are the eyes a window to the soul? I would say yes.

What is the power of making eye contact?

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“One eye can menace like a loaded gun, or it can insult like hissing or kicking, or, in its altered mood, be a ray of kindness. It can make the heart dance with joy.”

Words will probably never be found to communicate what really happens when you communicate with another living creature through eye contact. Maybe it should be “me” contact?

Besides touch, the eyes are the most powerful way of transmitting personal signals.

The eyes show personal involvement and create intimate bonds. Mutual gaze reduces physical gaps. Bring people closer.

The eyes play an indispensable role in effective communication and relationship building.

The look of love; Remember that look and the physical blow when you knew without words that you were attracted to him.

What can be said with the eyes?

When you make contact say to the other person:
I’m interested in you
I respect you
I trust you
you have my attention
I value you

Then there is the avoidance of eye contact like the elevator gaze. Fear of making eye contact with strangers and wild animals. Eye contact can be perceived as a challenge, a precursor to aggression.

We examine the eyes of others for signs of humor such as:
Trust can be built almost immediately through eye contact.
Flirting with a coy look can be the start of all sorts of things.
Binding eye contact immediately brings two people closer together.
Feedback on how others are receiving you.
A wink says that you and I know.

Our eyes are wonderful gifts. They help us express our feelings about:
And much more, without a word.

Failing to maintain eye contact in this country carries the connotation that the person is not to be trusted.

In other countries, maintaining eye contact can be considered rude and disrespectful.

What does eye movement mean?

Contact gives you valuable clues as to what a person is thinking.
Kinesthetic people tend to look down.
Visual people tend to look up.
Hearing people tend to look to the sides.
People who look to the left to collect thoughts tend to be religious, artistic. Most likely they are remembering.
People who look to the right tend to be scientists.
People looking up and to the right may be constructing or making up an answer.

Eye contact can mean permission to speak or it can be a command; like when you say to someone “look at me when I talk to you”.

We are demanding your attention; also, to join us on a deeper level.

People who are autistic or have social anxiety issues experience trouble keeping in touch just like liars.

When you might want to make eye contact?
When you want to say hello without saying a word.
To exchange a cordial greeting.
In the store to brighten someone’s day
In the dinner
In an interview
In a party
Play a team sport

When might you want to avoid eye contact?
Walking down a dark alley
Face to face with a bear or other predatory animal
while driving

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“One of the most wonderful things in nature is the ice of the eye; it transcends speech; it is the bodily symbol of identity.”

You can learn to keep good contact. Practice doing it.

Make contact and smile at a stranger, it can’t hurt.

Keeping in touch helps you focus on what the other person is saying; instead of thinking in advance what she wants to say.

In Western culture, a shifty-eyed person is misjudged; They are suspicious, up to no good.

Mahatma Gandhi:
“An eye for an eye and soon the whole world will be blind.”


Benjamin Franklin:
“Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half closed after.”

In our society there is a greater need for interaction. Think of the joy you can spread by touching and smiling at the store clerk, waiter, or passerby on the street.

Send out positive vibes. It is a sign of a confident person.

Build self-confidence… Practice making contact

Copyright © Wee Dilts 2009

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