The use of weights in physical therapy

Injury risks are prevalent in any workplace, especially to the upper body. To help prevent injuries from occurring or to add to the rehabilitation of an injury, dumbbells are predominantly used. Dumbbells can target specific muscles in the ligaments of the arms, chest, shoulders, back, abdomen, and legs. Physical therapists have been using the dumbbell in rehabilitation for many years to help strengthen muscles like the deltoids and other muscles. The reason behind this is that by strengthening the muscles and ligaments around high-risk body parts such as the arms and shoulders (from various movements), the back (from lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. incorrectly ), legs (for lifting objects incorrectly). ) will prevent future injuries. Make sure the Hampton Ultrabell Dumbbell Set is in your home gym.

Rotator cuff injury is a very common workplace injury. The rotator uses four specific muscles. To prevent further injury, each muscle must be treated and strengthened. Dumbbells can target each of these four muscles specifically to rebuild strength in each of them, while also preventing repeated injury or further damage.

A physical therapist will start with the lightest weight dumbbell for the extent of the injury and teach you proper form and exercises that are required to target the specific muscles that need to be strengthened. As the muscles begin to get stronger, the therapist will increase the weight to build up the existing muscle. They may also suggest that you continue therapy at home. You’ll want to get a set of dumbbells that match the weights recommended by your physical therapist. A good set of dumbbells for this is the Hampton Ultrabell Dumbbell Set. They come in a light weight set and a heavy weight set, so it’s easy to match the therapist’s recommendation and open up the world of full body workout routines for better health and physique.

High-impact athletes like soccer players and wrestlers have been using dumbbells as part of their normal exercise routine forever. They know the benefits of solid dumbbell training and remember it every time they’re in the game. Dumbbell workouts have prevented many injuries in sports and for the unfortunate injuries that do occur, dumbbells have been used in their rehabilitation.

There is no need to wait until an injury occurs to learn about the great benefits of exercising with dumbbells. With dumbbells you can achieve a leaner, firmer and stronger body, strengthen muscles, increase muscle mass, tone and define, burn calories, build self-esteem, while strengthening your heart and avoiding osteoporosis faster than any other way. of exercise. exercise.

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