Signs of Spiritual Awakening – Receive Secret Messages from the Universe

I recently wrote about the signs and symptoms of being on the “fast track” to spiritual awakening. One of the signs of awakening is receiving “secret” messages from the universe (from spirit) that help point you in the right direction. Secret messages from the universe can be anything from a radio ad answering a specific question you’ve been asking, to a passionate conversation with a stranger.

I call these types of messages “secret” because often the person sending the message to you is not aware that they are doing it. If he was aware of it in any way, he might have thought it was weird, he might have hesitated, and sometimes the universe just doesn’t want to take chances. (Okay, I know this sounds a little crazy, but hang in there and I’ll walk you through it with a concrete, real-life example.)

I received many secret messages when I began my awakening process several years ago, and I will share one of the most “ambitious” examples here. But first, some necessary background: By the time I received the secret message I’m about to share with you, the Council of Light had already urged me to start writing a book about a process of evolution I would go through that couldn’t be found. nowhere yet, not in any book or manuscript, they said. It was something new. (I was notified of this before so that I could start the process and keep an accurate record of it writing about it in real time).

But since I was an engineer and had not yet experienced this process (and instructions from the Council of Light were channeled to me by a woman I once knew who lived 3,000 miles away) I struggled with, as you can imagine — “just doing it “.

But as I said, if something is important enough, the spirit will not risk it and will give you signs that you should go in a certain direction. Anyway, one day in October 2002, when I was still not sure if I was going to try to write this book or if I was just being brainwashed, I had an interesting conversation with another parent named “J”. at my son’s elementary school. I knew J. only briefly, and he knew little about me. The following is an excerpt from my memoir (not a memoir of my life, I am not that vain, but a memory of my process of reconnection and awakening.)

“…Another interesting occurrence: On the way back to our car after dropping Angelika off at school, Julianne and I were surprised by a walnut that landed near us from the sky. I stopped for a moment and looked around. Un Un Lonely old almond tree was by the side of the road, but there was no walnut tree in sight. J., who was walking about a hundred feet behind, caught up with us and explained that a blackbird had dropped that nut. fly high and drop nuts on hard surfaces for them to break. They know exactly how high they need to fly and they know how to drop it on the pavement. They’ve learned how to do that,” he explained. “But What Do you know?” He asked looking at me.

“They just know,” I replied.

“It just takes one of them to learn a new behavior. The others follow, and soon after, they’ve all learned it. Just like the 100th monkey theory. That’s how evolution works,” he continued. “Only the first one is needed, the one that will start. Everything depends on that first one.”

At this point, the investigator part of my brain kicked in because something he said caught my attention. “Do you really think it matters which one is first? Does it really matter which one?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, looking directly at me, “it’s very important.”

We got to my car at that point, exchanged “have a nice day,” and then he went to his. And after he left, I thought: what exactly did he mean by those words, by using those words? Where did you get them? why did you tell me those things? He was agitated because he knew that he had given me a message, just like the characters in the spiritual adventure novel. The Celestine Prophecy–the book we had talked about several months before– kept doing it. They always gave each other secret messages and also had intense discussions about it.

well i knew it what the message was, but not the why or the What about that. But I never asked J. any of those questions; I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because he might not have known the answers, he might not have had a clue. He might have even denied giving me some secret message. I also thought it might be a good idea, at least for the time being, to keep my research activities secret.” (End of excerpt from my memoirs).

This sign from the universe (as well as others) helped me pursue and fulfill my higher purpose in life, which is to detail the steps of the spiritual awakening process and give concrete real life examples so that others can go through this intense process of awakening. faster and easier way. (It can be painful and scary). Furthermore, it is one thing to recognize that yes, humanity is on the verge of an awakening and another thing to know that process intimately and provide concrete examples.

When you are on the path to awakening, to fulfilling your life purpose, you will also begin to experience signs like this and these signs will help point you in the right direction. Because you have something that is important to you.

In conclusion, receiving secret messages to the Celestine Prophecy it is a sign of a spiritual awakening, a sign that you are not snapping at your heels, but are approaching the plate of awakening (except that in real life the messenger is unlikely to know that he has a secret message for you ).

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