Sales and Personality Type: How Type Influences Buying Decisions

I have often spoken about the importance of personality type profiles in both business and private settings. Knowing what moves and motivates you, and knowing what moves and motivates another are very powerful tools for understanding and ethically influencing your environment. Today, I’d like to discuss the importance of personality type when it comes to sales and marketing, and “buying.”

Whether you are on the sell or buy side of the equation, you need to realize that selling and buying are based on emotions, our needs and wants.

Sale is simply this: identify a gap/need/want in your prospect’s experience (they want something they don’t already have), provide a solution to fill this gap/need/want, and educate the prospect on the benefits of purchasing that solution, e.g. so they get excited about it and buy it. That’s all. One of my mentors said: You NEVER sell anything, really. You can only get people to buy. And it’s true. If I don’t emotionally resonate with what the seller is offering, I won’t buy, and vv

Buy it is simply this: identify a gap/need/want in yourself, search for a solution that fills that gap/need/want, and purchase that solution based on the perceived benefits it will have.

Again, that’s it. We buy because we think that the product we are considering will do something for us that will help us solve a problem, fill a gap, or fulfill a wish. Ultimately, this is an emotional process; or, if you don’t like that word: it has to do with us wanting to feel good.

The AusIDentities personality type profiling system identifies four distinct personality types: the dolphin, the eagle, the kangaroo and the wombat. In sales (and for your buying decisions) it is absolutely critical to know your own type and that of your prospects. If you don’t approach them the right way, they probably won’t buy! Maybe not as paramount when it comes to buying a bottle of water or a sandwich, but it’s definitely the case when it comes to bigger or more important purchases. You want to be clear about the needs and desires of your prospects/family/friends, because then you can influence them ethically and make them choose an option that is good for them AND you!

In sales you will need to be able to see the world from your prospect’s perspective. Remember: “sale” could also be mentioning to your wife that you want to go see a football game, in return you will take her out on Friday! Or persuade her children to go on vacation to a 4-star hotel instead of a camping trip by choosing the hotel with the biggest pool on the planet! To properly understand your “prospect” perspective, you’ll need to delve into their minds.

The correct way to do this is to ASK QUESTIONS. Each of the four AusIDentities personality types is sensitive to different types of questions. Let’s create some clarity on which question types work best for which types:

The Eagle (or NT, in the Myers-Briggs typology) in a combination of WHAT and WHY questions. Examples:

* Why is it so important to you…?

* What would you like to see specifically in…?

* Why… will it be beneficial for you?

* What research have you done on… and what were the results?

The Dolphin, (or NF) will be more partial to a combination of WHO and WHY questions. Examples:

* Who is going to rejoice when you…?

* Why… is it so important to you and the people around you?

* Who are you thinking of when…?

* Why will your experience be different when you…?

The kangaroo (or SP) will focus on a combination of WHAT and HOW questions. Examples:

* What will allow you to do it faster?

* How can you use… to create even more powerful results?

* What other methods have you tried to…?

* How did your current experience compare to your future experience once you have…?

The Wombat (or SJ) is ultimately sensitive to a combination of HOW and WHAT questions (note the difference in order with the Kangaroo). Examples:

* How can you… make your experience more pleasant?

* What exactly do you expect from…?

* How do you think we can make… an even better product for you?

* What has to happen for you to consider…?

Again, these and similar questions can be used to help people make buying decisions in business, but they can easily be applied to family and other relationships, parenting issues, employment issues, conflict resolution, and other interpersonal problems and challenges. It all comes down to understanding the deepest needs and desires of yourself and others, so that you can relate to yourself and others on an emotional feeling level.

Set of marks:

First of all, from now on, every time you make a purchase decision for more substantial goods and/or services (house, car, audio/video equipment, investments, etc.) ask yourself: why do I want to buy this? What will it feel like once I have it? The more you know for what kind of emotional feeling you buy things, the more self-aware you will become in other areas of your life (they usually reflect the same values).

Second, from now on, whenever you want to get someone to accept your opinion, evaluate what reasoning you use towards the other parties. What emotions are you trying to convey to the other parties, so that they will accept what you want? Third, study personality types extensively so that you can understand on an even deeper level what drives you and others. This will allow you to become very influential, honoring the wishes and desires of all parties. There are several options available for further study.

Lastly, engage in sales and marketing, both personal and professional selling. Although both words are often applied to business and the sale of goods and services, EVERYTHING in life has to do with selling and marketing. Just think of the hotel vs. camping idea – you’ll need to SELL the 4 star hotel to the family and MARKET IT properly, to make it preferable to a camping holiday. You even have to sell your kids the idea of ​​having to go grocery shopping, offering them a donut or a ride on the merry-go-round afterwards. Only THEN will they be SOLD on the idea! If you really want to increase sales in your business or satisfaction in your personal life by 300% or more, a thorough understanding of personality types is crucial.

Understanding yourself and others will massively accelerate success in all areas of life; that is my personal promise.

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