Potty training: when is the right time?

As parents, we think that when our children are 18 months old, we have the schedule and routine of family life up to date. Gone are the days of stressing about how to breastfeed, introduce food and train sleep. That’s all easy now! Until…we realize it’s probably time to start potty training, or so our parents tell us.

Let’s examine why we think ought start potty training.

1. You’re expecting another child and you don’t want to deal with two babies in diapers.

2. You’re tired of spending hundreds of dollars on diapers—it’s time to put that money to better use!

3. You feel pressured by your parents to start potty training.

4. You hear of someone in your mommy group who has successfully potty-trained her son in just three days.

Whatever the reason you’re feeling pressured, the decision of exactly when to start potty training can be stressful. Some experts say that a child is not ready to be potty trained until they are three years old, however, others say that by waiting, parents are only enforcing diaper dependency and will have to coax their child harder because they will feel safe in their diaper.

The debate will continue, however, the trend seems to be going back to the past. There are techniques available to train your child in short periods of time and many parents are experiencing great success.

My opinion as an expert in children is this. By the time a child is old enough to understand the vocabulary for poop, pee, and toilet, she is in the early stages of preparing for training. If they can follow commands like “Please bring me your shoes,” chances are they’re ready for training. And in general, by 22 months of age, most children are both physically and emotionally ready for potty training.

The decision remains an individual choice, however, your choice should be based on your beliefs and understanding of your child, not the parent’s beliefs, as well as on research.

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