Marketing of products and services: what is the difference between marketing of products and services?

Many people may commonly perceive that there is a world of difference between product marketing and service marketing. They could not be further from the truth because in reality there is hardly any difference. This may be because most people are not given to buying products and services. Instead, what makes them buy a product or service is the usefulness of the product or service and how it will benefit them.

The product or service that people buy is meant to be a solution to some problem, which may be simple or it may be a serious problem. Marketing’s job is to give the customer something they want and may require attracting people to search for a particular solution that is a product or service. There must also be a consistent follow-up action that will keep the customer informed about the benefits of the product or service being marketed.

Therefore, the main difference between product or service marketing is that much more personal contact is required when marketing a service compared to product marketing. Marketing services may require meeting the customer face-to-face, or it may mean contacting potential customers over the phone.

In addition, you would also need to know what the potential customer wants and then give it to them, which is a surefire means of getting more business. Getting more people attracted to your product or service will help you collect information that can be used to contact them, which is an important step in making a sale.

Once your marketing efforts succeed in getting good leads that are coupled with a follow-up action, the chances of converting a good percentage of these leads into paying customers will be greatly improved and there will be no real noticeable difference between marketing a product or service except perhaps the amount of personal contact made with the customer while marketing your product or service.

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