Knock knock – Someone’s in trouble

For some reason, the last few weeks we have been receiving a lot of visitors at our door. I’m not sure if this is a general trend or if it’s just our door.

Some of them have been salespeople, religious people, scammers, and many other people. They only had one goal in mind, and that was to get our money.

I guess I haven’t realized how rich I am. Everybody wants my money. If they knew how little money I have, they would be running from our house. I can’t even get my money because I’m not sure where it is.

This year, the Gracious Lady of the Parochial House and I will have been married for 50 years. I think my wife married me for my money, but in the last 50 years she hasn’t found anything like that. I’ll give you another 50 years and then we’ll have to re-examine the situation. When I find it, we’ll go on vacation to Hawaii.

We don’t have money, and the more we get harassed for our money, the more frustrated we get. If you want frustration, we have plenty of that and are more than happy to give it to you.

My wife and I are very frugal when it comes to money because we don’t have that much. But the money we have will stay in our account and not be given to someone who wants to sell us an extended warranty policy on the car. Every time they call about that, I have something I want to extend to them, and it’s not money.

When someone calls on the phone, you can always hang up or not even answer. When someone knocks on your door, you don’t have that kind of choice. You don’t know who is there or what they want.

It could be someone searching the neighborhood for a house to rob.

Since my wife knows everyone in the neighborhood, as soon as someone knocks on our door and almost before the door closes, she has sent a text message to everyone on the street so that they are aware that someone comes knocking at the door. It’s great when a neighborhood sticks together.

Once, two Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on our door and I opened it for them.

They introduced themselves, then I introduced myself as pastor and started a sermon right there at the front door. I have 100 sermons in my mind ready to go. I kept preaching and they tried to interrupt, but you can never interrupt a preacher.

Before I got to the end of my sermon, they turned and walked away faster than ever. After all, they arrived at my door.

Then there were several men who wanted to come in and show us how solar power could save us a lot of money.

Fortunately, for us, it was the Graceful Mistress of the Parish House who opened the door for them. If you think you can come into our house and make do with her, you really haven’t gotten up this morning to have your coffee.

A few weeks ago, it was getting terrible. Almost every day someone knocked on the door. Usually I handle the phone calls and she handles the door.

I could see that he was getting frustrated, and I understood, quite severely.

She had just finished making our lunch, and we sat down and began to enjoy our lunch together.

Then someone knocked on the door.

My wife sighed heavily and said, “Whoever it is, I’m going to tell them what I think. I’m tired of this.”

Although we had prayed for our lunch, now I was ready to pray for whoever was at the front door.

On several occasions, I have had a piece of his mind. It’s not a pretty sight. She has enough mind to give to many people, and I was very worried about the people at the front door.

“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you’re selling. I don’t want it, and I want you to go away and never come back.”

With that said, he slammed the door shut and walked away.

“Who was at the door?”

She just looked at me and then said, “I don’t know, but I told them what I thought.”

I was giggling under my breath, trying not to let it surface for any recognition.

“Are you sure,” I said as seriously as I could, “that you told them the right part of your mind?”

She just looked at me, “What do you mean?”

“Are you sure you didn’t give them the last part of your mind?”

He finally smiled and then said, “No, I’m saving that piece for you.”

I was smiling on the outside but not on the inside. I was honored that she has a special piece of mind of hers for me, but I have no idea what she will be and when she will come to me.

I thought of Scripture along this line. “And as you want men to do to you, so do you also to them” (Luke 6:31).

I think this is difficult to do for many reasons. May God give me the strength to do this for his honor and glory.

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