How to Interview a Personal Injury Lawyer

After sustaining serious injuries in an accident, it is important to find reputable and aggressive personal injury representation at a reputable law firm. This will give you the best chance of recovering the full and fair compensation you are owed to pay for hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. When it comes time to sit down face-to-face with a potential personal injury attorney, it helps to know what questions to ask before choosing them to represent your claim. Read on for some helpful tips on interviewing a personal injury attorney.

Interview Questions for Personal Injury Lawyers

The most effective method for choosing a group of law firms to interview is word of mouth. Personal recommendations and referrals are a great way to find law firms that have served people you know and trust well. You can also search online using reputable web portals like Yelp and Google+. These portals provide contact information, credentials, recent client reviews and descriptions of the company’s practice areas and more. It is a comprehensive way to get to know a law firm before calling them. Credentials to look for include licenses, 10+ years of experience, successful case history, and customer reviews.

The 10 most recommended questions to ask:

What are your practice areas?

– Make sure they represent cases like yours.

What practice areas do you specialize in?

– It is best to choose an attorney who has actual experience in your particular type of accident.

How many years of experience do you have?

– Experience is vital in the personal injury field. Look for at least 10 years of experience.

How many cases have you represented that were similar to mine?

– Experience is key in a personal injury attorney. Make sure they have represented other cases like yours.

Do you only settle cases out of court?

– If an attorney only settles out of court, you cannot expect the fullest possible recovery. Choose an attorney who will go to trial if necessary and who is experienced in doing so.

Will you take cases to trial or refer clients to a trial attorney?

– There’s a term called “clearinghouse lawyers.” Avoid attorneys who just rush cases to get quick results, or refer you to other attorneys.

What is your history of verdicts and settlements?

– No matter how experienced a lawyer is, their track record may not always be great. Choose an attorney who has won multiple cases and settlements.

Do you personally handle my case or will you pass it on to someone else?

– A lawyer can do a really good interview and go through all their checkpoints, but then they turn your case over to another professional in their firm. Choose a lawyer who really works on your case.

Can you explain your contingency fee payment plan in detail?

– There are some fees associated with large claims. Talk to the attorney about all the possible fees you could face even in a contingency fee plan.

Do you have adequate financial and labor resources to take on my case?

– Large cases can require a lot of resources, such as expert testimony, investigations, medical specialists, and more. An attorney must be able to fund these types of cases and have connections to all the appropriate staffing resources.

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