How do you recommend storing your jerky subscription?

How do you recommend storing your jerky subscription?

Jerky is a great snack for people on the go. It’s convenient, high in protein, and can last months if stored properly.

Moisture and air are enemies of jerky, so storing it properly is essential for long-term enjoyment. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best ways to store your jerky subscription.

Mason jars

If you are going to store your jerky in Mason jars, it is important that you label each jar with the date of the jerky. Also, make sure the jars are sealed securely to prevent contamination and spoilage. If you are storing multiple bags or jars, be sure to provide support for the jars so that they don’t disturb each other’s seals.

Another good way to store jerky is by adding food grade oxygen absorbers. These help eliminate the oxygen that promotes bacteria growth and extends the shelf life of jerky. You can find them at most grocery stores.

Vacuum sealing is the best long-term storage method for jerky. It keeps moisture in and air out, so it will last longer. However, it does come with a hefty price tag of around $200. It’s worth the investment, though, because it can save you money in the long run. The jerky will stay fresh and soft for months at a time, and it will be easy to reheat and enjoy whenever you are hungry.

Ziplock bags

If you don’t have mason jars or a vacuum sealer, storing your jerky in Ziplock bags is a great alternative. These food-grade plastic bags are airtight and easy to use, and they can keep jerky fresh for up to a month. They’re also a great option for jerky subscription that have a lot of variety.

Jerky should be stored in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cabinet. Avoid storing it near direct sunlight or heat sources, which can cause condensation inside the bag and lead to mold growth. When storing jerky, make sure to check it often for signs of spoilage. If you notice any water droplets inside the bag, it means that the jerky is not dehydrated enough and should be refrigerated or frozen.

When designing your jerky packaging, think of the consumers first. Custom jerky packaging should be designed for the consumer’s convenience, so they can easily open and close the pouch. A flat barrier bag offers maximum flexibility, allowing you to print your own product labels and company or promotional stickers. It also provides resealability and optional tear notches for mess-free opening.

Vacuum sealer

A vacuum sealer removes nearly all air from the bag, and helps foods like jerky last longer. It is great for those who want to store jerky long-term, or for prepping purposes. It also makes it easy to store jerky in plastic storage containers, so you can take it on the go!

Jerky that has been stored in a vacuum sealed container will last for up to three days after opening. If you store it in the fridge, this can be extended to a week. However, it is important to look for signs of moisture, such as mold or mildew. If you see these warning signs, it is best to dispose of the jerky and not eat it.

Some users recommend freezing food before vacuum sealing, to help preserve the shape of the food. This can be especially helpful for jerky, which has a tendency to clump together when frozen. Some brands of vacuum sealers come with a variety of bags, so you can choose the one that is right for your needs.


Freezing is a great option for preserving jerky for up to 2 years. However, it can change the texture and flavor of jerky slightly. It is important to store your jerky in a cold, dry environment and avoid storing it in the sun or other heat sources. It’s also a good idea to label your packages and rotate them regularly.

When storing your jerky in the freezer, be sure to vacuum seal your bags to remove as much air as possible. This will help prevent freezer burn. Then, store your jerky in a dark place like a pantry or cupboard.

Jerky lasts a long time in the freezer, but it is important to store it properly to protect it from spoilage. Mold or other signs of spoiled jerky should be discarded immediately. You can test for spoilage by sniffing the jerky. If it smells rancid or sour, it has likely gone bad.

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