homemade christmas stockings

Hanging Christmas stockings is one of those cherished Christmas traditions that every child looks forward to at Christmas. Whether you’re hanging stockings weeks before the actual day or on Christmas Eve, just hours before the big arrival, a handmade Christmas stocking can add character and style to your holiday celebration.

The tradition of hanging Christmas stockings began with the use of stockings that actually belonged to the child. They were often hand knitted by mom. Over time, the custom evolved into the use of cloth stockings of many different types, most often made by hand. These days, the stockings you see in stores often bear the words “Made in China.” Now, I don’t know about you, but those words don’t exactly give me the warmth of fluff.

Handmade Christmas stockings are a simple way to bring the “high touch” back to our Christmas celebrations instead of the “high tech”. Christmas traditions vary from family to family and place to place, but in almost every family the holiday season has become too hectic and fast-paced. Adding handmade items to your Christmas traditions is a perfect way to give your holiday a warmer, cozier feel. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re limited to a traditional-looking stocking, by any means. Handmade Christmas stockings can be elegant or simple, wild or chic, fun or cute. There are values ​​to suit just about every personality, from sports and hobbies to favorite foods and books. Padded tights offer a traditional touch, even when made from ultra-modern fabrics. Your family may have matching styles or each member of the family may have one that complements their personal taste.

No matter which one you choose, your tights will bring back some of that old-fashioned charm to your vacation. You can even find one for the baby, your cat, dog or parrot, or any other member of the family. Oversized socks are fun for oversized gifts or for wrapping unusually shaped items like golf clubs, skis, or other long gifts. An adjustable stocking is a fun way to let Santa know that you’ve been very good this year.

Have fun with them too. They make great hostess gifts for holiday parties, or a fun twist on the gift basket idea. Just pick a theme and fill it with items that follow that theme. For example, a fishing theme might contain several small items like a new reel, flies, bait, or a new fishing hat. For a hostess gift, a hot pepper print could contain hot pepper jelly, dry seasoning mix, and sauce. The possibilities are endless and can be a lot of fun.

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