Do not do the bicycle maneuver exercise

Don’t do the Bicycle Maneuver exercise unless you want strong abs and a flat stomach.

Being the same exercise as the Pilates Criss Cross, the Bicycle Maneuver is ranked the best abdominal exercise by the American Council on Exercise. Since it incorporates both trunk flexion and trunk rotation into one exercise, this is a great abs workout. Also, no special exercise equipment is needed to do the Bike Maneuver.

By doing this exercise, you strengthen the external oblique abdominis, internal oblique abdominis, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis muscles. Compression of the abdominopelvic cavity is the main action of these four muscles. Flexion of the spine is also an action of the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles; while the obliques also rotate your spine.

You will find it easier to get up from a sitting or lying position, support your abdomen, and keep your back in proper alignment by strengthening these muscles. Your physical appearance will also improve.

Although this is a difficult exercise, the health benefits make it worth the effort to do this exercise regularly as part of your fitness program.

You may have a tendency to lift your torso with your arms and hands while doing this exercise. If you place your hands just behind your ears instead of clasping them behind your head, you can avoid this trend. By using this hand placement technique, you’ll be more likely to lift your torso with your abdominal muscles rather than your arms.

Begin by lying on an exercise mat with your lower back pressed into the mat. Put your hands next to your head and over your ears. Raise your knees to form a 90-degree angle with your thighs vertical and your shins horizontal. Extend your right leg with the lower leg about 30 to 45 degrees above the ground. Keep your left thigh vertical and your left shin horizontal. Lift your shoulders off the mat with your abdominal muscles and twist to touch your left knee with your right elbow. Switch legs and twist in the opposite direction to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Maintain even, relaxed breathing throughout the entire workout. Continue until your muscles are fatigued.

Be persistent and try to do a few more repetitions of this difficult exercise each day. In a short period of time, you will be doing 5 to 10 or more repetitions every day and you will develop a strong and firm abdomen.

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