Can A Desktop Laptop Help Reduce Male Fertility Risk?

Dr. Yefim Sheynkin of the State University of New York led a team that investigated the effects a laptop can have on male fertility.

It has long been understood that raising a man’s crotch temperature can lower his sperm count, but what impact can a laptop have on his fertility? And can a laptop protect the user?

Dr. Sheynkin and his team measured the scrotal temperatures of 29 healthy volunteers. The researchers found that men who used a computer on their laps for just 1 hour experienced an increase in the temperature of their scrotal sacs by almost 3 degrees C (that’s about 5 F). Volunteers sitting in the same position but not using a laptop were also tested; experienced a rise of just over 2 degrees C.

The 3 degree Celsius temperature rise experienced by laptop users will clearly have a greater impact on fertility, but the potential for long-term damage is not well understood.

The chip in a modern laptop can be expected to operate in temperatures between 50 and 90 degrees Celsius, depending on how hard the computer is working. It’s pretty clear that any device (like a laptop desk) that insulates the legs and groin area from this level of heat is worth considering for men who are concerned about their future fertility.

Attentive readers will have noticed that it’s not just the heat from the laptop that is causing the problem; the position required to balance a laptop on the knee requires the thighs to be close together. A portable desk allows the user to spread the knees further without the risk of the laptop falling to the ground.

Why take the risk of reducing your fertility in the long run? Get yourself a portable laptop desk – it will keep your important parts at a safe and comfortable temperature!

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