British shorthair blue

The British Blue Shorthair is of a very reserved temperament and will only play on their terms to ensure their dignity at all times. Once bored with games, she will quickly lift her nose and look away. She is generally quite quiet and calm, speaking only to alert you to feeding times or your discontent.

She will need to be very comfortable in your company before she trusts you enough to allow you to pet or pet her, but once she has built up this trust, she will almost tolerate you doing so and will probably put up with it rather than enjoy it. experience. However, he likes to be in your company even if he doesn’t want to sit on your lap. She is also quite nosy and will follow you around the house just to see what you are doing.

She will definitely be the dominant character in your household, so as long as you can accept this, you and her will get along.

She is a very aesthetically pleasing cat and she definitely knows it: with a thick, bluish-gray, almost chinchilla-like coat and a very bushy tail. Fortunately for us, her coat doesn’t shed as much as other cat breeds, but she will nevertheless need your help with regular grooming to help keep her coat in tip-top condition. His green or copper eyes are bright, alert and full of expression and his chubby cheeks give him that cute teddy bear face. She is a robust and robust cat with short legs that support a muscular body; She is often referred to as the bulldog of the feline world. Her friend is much bigger than her, but shares the same physical and temperamental characteristics. She will also need you to be very careful about her diet, as she may be prone to gaining weight if her eyes “feel sorry for me” discover that you are giving her naughty treats.

She is a popular breed and the epitome of British history.

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