Embrace transformation

I write about this topic because it affects us all on a daily basis. Every day we transform ourselves through our thoughts, actions, or a life event. The people around us can have a great influence on the kinds of changes we want to make.

The transformation process affects any area of ​​your life that you want to change or that life forces us to change. Anything you want to change in your life; It only takes ONE thought followed by positive action for the transformation process to begin.

What you will need for transformation to occur: Find out what you want to change. I want to change ___ (fill in this). You will need a positive attitude to be successful. A clear view of your expectations; how you expect to look, feel, or act; before, during and after your transformation. You have to do the work necessary for the transformation to occur. You have to make the time in your schedule to nurture the change you want! And finally, you have to realize that there may be obstacles on the way, being prepared in advance will make it easier to overcome those obstacles. Think of different scenarios and have your objections ready.

A couple of tips: If you are a visual person, put a sticky note on your computer stating what it is you want to transform or make a vision board. Say your goal out loud several times throughout the day to remind yourself of your goal. As you expand your horizons and change your physical or mental self, you will start looking for like-minded people.

For those who are bored, scared, or just fed up: If you want a change to happen but are not sure how to begin the process, you need to do some soul searching. Start with the basics. What area of ​​your life do you want to change? Whatever the change, you must be prepared to do the work necessary to carry it out. This is not a time to be lazy or stay comfortable! Change requires breaking free from your daily routines, requires you to work on what you want, and requires you to stay focused. As we get older in life, we adapt to our routines, we feel comfortable. Some people are happy this way, others stop trying or don’t feel like there is no need to change.

It is much easier to turn on the television and not think about things. It is much easier to eat unhealthy than it is to eat healthy. It is easier to point out the changes that others may need to make rather than focus on ourselves. It is much easier not to do the necessary work than to do the hard work that is required. Remember, it only takes one positive thought followed by positive action for the transformation process to begin.

When transformation becomes fruit: this is the best part! There is no better feeling than the feeling you have when you have reached your goal. And the fun part is that when you transform one thing in your life, you begin to transform other areas as well. I have seen both good and bad transformations in people. I’ve seen people who want to move forward and end up just giving up. That is why it is important to keep your desire for change alive! Get comfortable in your new routine. Stay true to the changes you made to your routine that have made you successful! If you stray, refocus. Find out where your weakness was and overcome that obstacle.

Always keep an open mind; this will help you through your process. It does not matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert, you can transform whatever you want, you just have to have the desire to do it. Never be afraid to reach out to other people who can help you along your journey. The world is full of amazing people, be open and let them help you reach your goal.

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