The Best Chocolate Ice Cream at Home – Some Tips for Success

There aren’t many things the whole family can agree on, but chocolate ice cream is usually one of them. There is something about the wonderful creamy texture, freshness, sweetness and not to forget the rich chocolate that works so wonderfully well together. Making it at home only adds to the experience. When you bring out the portions after dinner knowing that everyone had a hand in creating the desert, it seems like it tastes twice as good.

Another great benefit is that you can adjust the ingredients to match your own tastes. Manufactured frozen desserts are highly regulated and while this ensures excellent quality control, you usually won’t get a bad supermarket experience, it means most brands taste very similar – there are a lot of products, but very few excellent. At home you are free of these restrictions. You can develop your own touch exactly how you would like.

Using the highest quality ingredients you can afford is key. There is a world of difference between cheap milk chocolate and dark with 70% cocoa solids. Choose the sugar-free variety and you can regulate the taste. A good starting point is to add the same amount of sugar as chocolate product. Add a little less for a more mature bitter taste, perfect for adults. For kids, add a little more to make it nice and sweet, just the way kids like it.

For even more richness, you might consider adding a brownie crumble, cookies or chips, or even a liqueur.

You may need to beat this mixture a little longer than for most recipes, as the cocoa powder can slow down the “whip.” Remember, too, that a homemade batch won’t be as dark as a factory vat full of flavors and coloring. It will taste much better though!

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